Bookings at Above Gravity are available online for 2116 Pembina HWY. Availablilty at 1111-B Henderson will open shortly and may be by request only.
Offering Registered Massage Therapy in North and South Winnipeg. I specialize in Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage, Therapeutic Deep Tissue/ Sports Massage and Swedish Relaxation Massage and Hot Stone Massage.
Registered Massage Therapists do NOT provide sensual massage, happy endings/hand jobs/blow jobs or any sexual services, those are forms of prostitution.
Add me on Instragram to see last minute openings @abovegravitymassage and receive a $5.00 discount
Please use my online booking. If you need a time that's not available please add yourself to my waitlist or text 204-229-1305 to book, sometimes a cancellation spot may be open but unlisted. I usually am often booked 1-3 weeks ahead.
I do not direct bill but I do provide receipts that you can submit to your insurance. I am a registered massage therapist.
I'm often in treatment and text is the easiest way to reach me.