About Stefanie
Stefanie Suschenko is a Registered Massage Therapist with 2200hrs of training from the Massage Therapy College of Manitoba. Stefanie has completed The Canadian Institute of Ashitatsu Massage Therapy's (CIAMT) Foundations 1 and Foundations 2(advanced) and Floor Foundations certification which is recognized by massage therapy associations across Canada. CIAMT teachers Registered Massage Therapists how to safely and effectively use Ashiatsu massage to provide treatment to clients. Stefanie has also completed the Barefoot Masters Ashiatsu beginner and advanced Certification.
Stefanie's mission is to ensure longevity in her career as a massage therapist, and share that ability with other Registered Massage Therapists.
Through continued education in a variety of massage techniques Stefanie is able to provide increased treatment options to clients while maintaining a healthy, balanced practice. Prior to learning Ashitatsu, Stefanie became certified as both a practitioner and then a teacher of hot stone massage. Stefanie offers The Stone Massage Company's Hot Stone Certification program in Winnipeg several times a year. For more information please refer to the Workshops page of the menu.
Stefanie completed her 200hr yoga teacher certification at Source Yoga Studio's in 2011 and completed her certification in Reiki in 2012.